Junior High School

Junior High School

Embun Pagi was established in 2006 and in 2017 EPIS Junior High was born. Having the same vision and mission as the EPIS Elementary and KG, it shows that continous improvement of students’ learning journey takes place here at EPIS. EPIS Junior High aims to enhance the students’ learning and achievement by engaging them in personalised character building programs. The parents involvement in educating our youth is essenssial. Therefore we have Home-School essenssial. Therefore we have Home-School Agreement to ensure each party do their parts. We also have the PTFA (Parents Teachers & Friends Association) that plays a significant role as an organisation that works hand in hand with the school to make EPIS a better place to learn.

Junior High School Curriculum

Middle school age is a period when children are in their early phase of adolescence. At this age, children begin to experience physical and emotional development of puberty. They also begin to o experience psychological changes, and begin to compare norms with reality and everyday life. Children’s point of view on religion and their unstable emotional side requires mentoring, direction and role model from adults around them. The curriculum, activities and school culture at EPIS JHS are designed by taking into account the development process of early teens in order to prepare students to be ready to face the next level of lives and begin to become leaders for those closest to them. The cultivation of Islamic values is also strictly applied in the hope that students have a strong foundation in their lives.

Junior High School Curriculum

Ibadah Centre
Islamic Value
National (DIKNAS)
International Adoption


School facilities can provide convenience to support the potential of students



Grand Opening of EPIS Junior – Senior High New Building

Embun Pagi Islamic School celebrated the Grand Opening of the new building on April 22, 2024. The event was attended by guests and invitees, including the school founder, BJB administrators, school supervisors from all over East Jakarta, PTFA representatives, and all EPIS employees. The audience was excited and filled with joy as they witnessed the […]