
Multi Vorinta Foundation

From Our Managing Director

Assalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb.
EPIS was established in 2005 initially with 24 KG students. In 2007 EPIS Elementary School was established and in 2016 EPIS Junior High School was opened. With the spirit of advancing education in Indonesia and Islamic education in particular. EPIS continues to strive to develop in terms of curriculum, human resources, services and facilities. Our vision to develop Islamic leaders of the future drives us to prepare students with 21th century abilities by sticking to akhlakul karimah that has been exemplified by Rasulullah Muhammad SAW with the hope that later our students are ready to face the future with worldly knowledge and knowledge of the hereafter. We believe that strong religious education and characters will create leaders that bring progress and prosperity to mankind. May Allah SWT always guide and bless us in every step and effort we make.

Wassalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb

The Team

Our Experts

Principal of Kindergarten

Sri Lestariningsih, S.Pd.

Principal of Elementary

Yargustiwan, S.Pd.

Principal of Junior High

Syahrul Aripin, S.Pd.I.

Principal of Senior High School

Nurul R Septina, S.Si., M.Pd.