Developing the Islamic leaders of the future.
To become the leading islamic school with a global vision
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Since its founding in 2005 with just 24 kindergarten students, EPIS has grown significantly. We established our Elementary School in 2007 and expanded to include Junior High School and Senior High School. Driven by a passion to advance education in Indonesia, particularly Islamic education, EPIS is committed to continuous improvement in curriculum, human resources, services, and facilities.
Our vision is to cultivate the Islamic leaders of tomorrow. We are dedicated to equipping our students with 21st-century skills while upholding the values of Akhlakul Karimah, as exemplified by Rasulullah Muhammad SAW. Our goal is to prepare students to face the future with both worldly knowledge and understanding of the hereafter.
We firmly believe that a strong foundation in religious education and character development will produce leaders who contribute to progress and prosperity for all. May Allah SWT guide and bless us in every step of this journey.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Tata Eka Putra, B.Bus.
Embun Pagi Islamic School Director